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السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2018

Malwarebytes Premium

نبذة عن البرنامج:

برنامج مميز وفعال للحماية من الفايروسات والملفات الضارة التي تتلف النظام. البرنامج خفيف على الجهاز و يعمل بكفاءة عالية.


•Protects you from advanced threats •Detects and removes malware in real-time with advanced anti-malware, anti-spyware,and anti-rootkit technology. Scans for the newest and most dangerous threats automatically, so you’re protected without having to even think about it. •Protects your files from being locked and held for ransom •Stops unknown and known ransomware with proprietary next-gen technology that works proactively to shield your files. This is a powerful, comprehensive defense that blocksransomware, and not a simple decryption tool. So you’re protected from tomorrow’s “Ransomware Attack!” headlines today. •Prevents your programs from being used against you •Wraps your browser and software programs in four layers of defense, stopping attacks that use vulnerabilities in those programs to infect your computer. •Protects you from fake and infected websites •Detects and prevents contact with fake websites and malicious links. You are proactively protected from downloading malware, hacking attempts, and infected advertising. Worried about wandering into a “bad” Internet neighborhood? Now you don’t have to be. •Scans faster, scans smarter •Lightning-fast Hyper Scan mode targets only the threats that are currently active. Faster analysis. Still gets results. Run a scan in the background while you boot up your favorite game. It’s done by the time you’re ready to play. •Detects and removes malware in real-time with advanced anti-malware, anti-spyware,and anti-rootkit technology. Scans for the newest and most dangerous threats automatically, so you’re protected without having to even think about it. •Protects your files from being locked and held for ransom •Stops unknown and known ransomware with proprietary next-gen technology that works proactively to shield your files. This is a powerful, comprehensive defense that blocksransomware, and not a simple decryption tool. So you’re protected from tomorrow’s “Ransomware Attack!” headlines today. •Prevents your programs from being used against you •Wraps your browser and software programs in four layers of defense, stopping attacks that use vulnerabilities in those programs to infect your computer. •Protects you from fake and infected websites •Detects and prevents contact with fake websites and malicious links. You are proactively protected from downloading malware, hacking attempts, and infected advertising. Worried about wandering into a “bad” Internet neighborhood? Now you don’t have to be. •Scans faster, scans smarter •Lightning-fast Hyper Scan mode targets only the threats that are currently active. Faster analysis. Still gets results. Run a scan in the background while you boot up your favorite game. It’s done by the time you’re ready to play.

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