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السبت، 29 سبتمبر 2018

Avast Cleanup Premium 18.2 Build 5796

نبذة عن البرنامج:

أداة للتنظيف الآمن وتحسين نظام ويندوز ، والذي يسمح لك بزيادة سرعة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وإزالة البيانات غير الضرورية بأمان والتخلص من مسارات القمامة لتحرير المساحة ، وكذلك تكوين سجل النظام وتحسين النظام لزيادة سرعة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك.  يزيل البقايا المتسببة في انخفاض في أداء الكمبيوتر وزيادة مقدار المساحة على القرص.
يمكن لـ Avast Cleanup إزالة الملفات غير الضرورية بعناية وتهيئة النظام لتسريع الأداء.

Erase unneeded data and get rid of leftover files to gain free space, or tune your computer's registry and optimize the system to increase its speed. Without a dedicated uninstaller that can remove leftovers, applications leave behind data in the registry, which might lead to a more sluggish PC and occupied storage space. Designed to clean up the computer without risking data loss, Avast! Cleanup Premium can completely erase files you don't need and tune up your system to make it run faster. Clean unnecessary files and tracking cookiesThe modern-looking interface reveals all three functions of Avast! Cleanup , namely to clean the PC, to optimize it and to schedule new scans.Once the analysis is complete, the cleanup tool displays the amount of junk files, browser cache, add-ons, as well as the download and browsing history. It shows obsolete software and driver packages, shared DLL files and reads the system logs to help you free up as much storage space as possible.Avast! Cleanup also targets the tracking cookies that installed browsers have gathered in time and detect whether you are using a restroom with a poor reputation. Depending on its findings, cleaning might take more or less time.Optimize the system and schedule new scansAvast! Cleanup can also find potentially dangerous apps, erroneous system settings, as well as obsolete registry entries and startup items. System optimization might require a restart, but you shouldn't worry, as a reboot is needed for the cleanup to be completed.Thanks to the integrated scheduler, Avast! Cleanup can monitor the PC in real time and detect if any residual files are left behind. Additionally, you can also opt for scheduling a cleanup at a predefined time, a process that will not affect your daily activity.A secure cleaner that requires further improvementsAfter a while, anyone feels the need to have their computers run faster, and Avast! Cleanup Premium is specifically cut out for that. It can tweak the registry and the system settings to make the PC run smoothly and boot faster.While it promises to clean up the system and optimizes the PC, the application might fail to do so at some point, as it happened during our tests.Whats New:Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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